Some Terms To Know in Digital Marketing

Jubril Lawal
2 min readJul 9, 2021

If you’ve been following my blog during this challenge I’m participating in, you would understand that I’ve been writing a bit about digital marketing. This is because it’s one of the most essential careers in this digital age, and anyone can get into it. That said, below are five of the most necessary terms for you to understand when entering the digital marketing world.

Demographics and Hyperlocal

Although many people think these terms are the same, they are different in some ways. Demographics is the term of marketing that involves a target audience characterized by age, race and gender. On the other hand, hyperlocal has more to do with geography, weather, and the environment. They are different, but they work hand-in-hand to create a huge sale rate.

Look-alike Audience

These are people who bear a semblance to your target market. For example, if you sell automobile parts and your target market are mechanics and dealers, then your lookalike audience is anyone involved in automobile spare parts replacements or general repair.

Prospect and Leads

If you deal with sales, you would probably have heard about prospects/leads. Prospects are people that make up the target audience. They become leads immediately they signify the slightest interest.

Ad Copy

Ad copies are what a lot of people commonly see on television, billboards, or any other marketing medium. It is a guarantee to a lead that compels them to buy. Basically, it is one of the most necessary tools in marketing. As a digital marketer, it drives traffic to your site and increases your engagement. However, these increases would only be as good as the quality of the ad copy.

Contextual Marketing

A highly personalized form of marketing where you time your advertisement. It can’t be perfect, but you study the market and behavioral preferences for the best results. You’re giving the right products at the right time to people who need them.



Jubril Lawal

Creative writer trying to change the world in my own little way, one word at a time.